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Rotary kilns can be used in that industry

Release time:2023-04-06      Number of clicks:164

Rotary kiln in building materials, metallurgy, chemical, environmental protection and many other production industries, widely used rotary cylinder equipment for mechanical, physical or chemical treatment of solid materials, this kind of equipment is called rotary kiln. The application of rotary kiln originated from cement production. In 1824, British cement worker J Asp invented the intermittent earth shaft kiln. In 1883, Dietsch invented the continuous operation of the multi-layer shaft kiln; In 1885, the British man ERansome invented the rotary kiln. After obtaining the patent in Britain and the United States, the rotary kiln was put into production and soon achieved considerable economic benefits.

The invention of rotary kiln made the cement industry develop rapidly, but also promoted people's research on the application of rotary kiln. Soon the rotary kiln was widely used in many industrial fields, and became more and more important in these production, and became the core equipment of the corresponding enterprises. In the application field of rotary kiln, the number of cement industry is the largest.

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